About Me

Have you ever thought, “I could’ve, would’ve, or should’ve done something, and I would be in a better place right now.”?

Let’s turn the table on that thought. Imagine, the little things you do each day, the little things you have control over when done in time will make your life that much better in the long term!

That’s exactly what I have been doing!

While I have been out of work (Thanks, Covid), I have used my time to focus on the things I CAN control to make my future what I want it to be.

From a professional perspective, I used this time to hone my analytic skills by learning SQL and Python! I have always been pretty decent with Excel, but I spent some time improving on those skills, too.

On a personal level, I have lost over 150 pounds! By taking things one day at a time, I’m able to focus on getting even a slight bit better, knowing that my little improvements will add to something great! Although, maybe I should say I shed 150 pounds because I’m not trying to find them…

Above is what I’ve been doing – no who I am.

Iteration is an essential aspect of my life. One of my biggest challenges has been being my own worst critic. You know, the type of person whose rough draft has to be perfect? Teaching myself, I don’t have to be perfect is, without a doubt, the best thing that has come out of 2020. To me, life is a series of small victories and incremental progress.